Episode 05: Investing for your Kids

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Want to give your child a head start in life? Do you have funds already saved but wonder if you could get these funds to work a little harder?

An Investment Bond is well suited to the the purpose of giving your child a financial head start.

Whilst you need to have a long investment horizon (ideally 10 years), an Investment Bond is well suited to the purpose of giving your child a financial head start.

We chat with Laura Salsbury from Generation Life to gain an better insight into how the Investment Bond works.


All investment products have specific characteristics which provide benefits and also apply limitations. Its vital that you understand these elements in detail before investing in any product.

The information in this podcast is of a general nature and does not take into account your own financial objectives, circumstances or needs. You should consider your own personal situation and requirements before making a decision. If you have concerns or questions, please contact me.

The attached material shows past market performance. Please note that past performance and historical data are not reliable indicators of future performance and market behaviour.



Illustrations by Jackie Case http://jackiecase.com

For over 25 years Rick forged a career as a successful copywriter. Twenty of those were as partowner and founder of Tank, a creative agency that strived to make a meaningful difference through their work.

But then he had a mental breakdown, suffering severe anxiety which made him relook at everything. Family. Life. Career.

What was the hardest time of his life also became the happiest, as he reignited his passion for writing.

Drawing on his own experience and the struggles both his young daughters experienced with anxiety, he wrote and self-published his first picture book, Why Worry Wally? to help kids talk

about and cope with their worries and anxiety.

Rick is a strong advocate for mental health, in particular anxiety in children and men, and passionate about de-stigmatising issues around mental health.



Episode 06: Rethinking Retirement


Episode 04: Weekly Food Planning 101