Episode 106: 30 Day Saving Challenge - How to bridge the gap

This week Tim and Karen tackle the topic of how to bridge the gap between where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow.

If you have worked through the exercises in the initial 2 episodes, you will have established your cashflow surplus or deficit.

It is now time to start putting that surplus to work - building toward your goals.

Karen explores 5 common 'money blocks'
that many people possess, Financial Fears.

We have discuss two fantastic exercises:
- Mental Contrasting Exercise
- Quiz - What is your Money Type?

Week 3 Exercises

Take Money Type Quiz https://bit.ly/2QA29qn


Episode 107: 30 Day Saving Challenge - What gets Measured, gets Managed


Episode 105: 30 Day Saving Challenge - Your Financial Reality Check (the Ugly Truth)