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Episode 140: Small Steps Big Changes
What changes are you wanting to make in your life in 2025? Need some inspiration to get started?
At this time of year, many of us reflect on our own fitness or levels of physical activity and set intentions for the year ahead.
Episode 139: New Aged Care Rules 2025
On 12 September 2024 the Government responded to the Aged Care Taskforce and introduced the Aged Care Bill 2024 into Parliament.
The aged care reforms will make significant changes to the cost of residential aged care and home care from 1 July 2025.
Shaun Ganguly is the founder of Aged Care Financial Planning specialising in Aged Care Financial Advice.
Episode 138: Gen Z - Start them strong with Super
Do you have a Gen Z child (or adult)?
It is likely that Superannuation will be a vital and large component of their wealth in 30,40,50 years' time. However, there is a very large segment of Gen Z that haven't engaged with their Super at all.
Episode 137: Coping with Financial Stress
Are you feeling financially fatigued? These past few years have been financially stressful. In particular, dealing with skyrocketing prices for general living needs, plus rental and mortgage rate increases.
Karen Eley from Women Talking Finance provides valuable insights into how you can equip yourself to deal with financial stress.
Episode 136: Retirement Happiness Index
What does retirement look like, once you are on the other side of your working life?
Australia's market leading Annuity provider - Challenger Limited wanted to better understand what makes a happy retirement.
Episode 135: “Elevate” - Unlock your extraordinary potential
Elevating your life doesn't just happen - it comes from within. You are the leader of your own life and it starts with taking action!
Executive Life coach Shannah Kennedy and former Sportsgirl CEO Colleen Callander present ELEVATE - the groundbreaking book that empowers you to rise from ordinary to extraordinary one step at a time.
Episode 134: “Dare to Dream” - HEADLOKT
Inspiration comes via everyday moments. Its what we do with it that counts!
This week we chat to Lisa Cotton, founder of HEADLOKT - the first helmet that is a lock!
Lisa Cotton takes us on her inspiring journey from pandemic lockdown in Melbourne - via her lightbulb moment - onto this current day where she has launched an award winning product.
Episode 133: Annuities & your future Income needs
Once you are retired there is definitely a need to consider how your assets will provide you with an income.
This is where Annuities play their role so well.
Jodie Davis from Challenger Limited talks about how Annuities can help those in retirement to provide enhanced certainty with their income.
Episode 132: Investment Bonds - an alternative to Super
Superannuation is a very compelling vehicle for retirement savings. However there are other products, whose features are designed to work hand in hand with Superannuation to further enhance your retirement strategies.
Investment Bonds fit this role very well! Felipe Araujo, General Manager at Generation Life discusses this topic with Tim.
Episode 131: Investment Risk & Economic Seasons
'Successful investing is about managing risk, not avoiding it'
The world is going through a huge phase of adjustment right now. It might feel like a dangerous time and you might feel unsafe being exposed to any perceived or real 'risk'.
Episode 130: Guiding the ‘Sandwich Generation - 50’s & 60’s
The Sandwich Generation refers to those in their 50's and 60's who are 'sandwiched' between their young adult children on one side and their ageing parents on the other.
Just when they thought life might have been getting easier, they find themselves with a lot to think about - including their own retirement!
Episode 129: Retirement & Ethical Investing
"I am interested in Ethical Investing but it's too late for me".
As a financial adviser, I have heard this comment made many times. As you approach retirement you might wonder if its a reckless move to realign your investment values in the latter stages of your working career (or perhaps even once retired).
Episode 128: Superannuation Strategies
This episode is week 2 of two episodes discussing Superannuation fundamentals and strategies.
Award-winning financial adviser Sacha Burchgart joins Tim and this week they explore some of the great strategies available within Superannuation.
Episode 127: Superannuation Fundamentals
This episode is week 1 of two episodes discussing Superannuation fundamentals and strategies.
Award-winning financial adviser Sacha Burchgart joins Tim and this week they do a "crash course" in some of the fundamentals of Superannuation.
Episode 126: Centrelink and the Aged Pension
When you retire, you may be eligible for government benefits such as the Age Pension or a concession card.
However, understanding your entitlements can be tricky for some situations. Dealing with Centrelink may also come with its challenges.
Episode 125: The Art of Full time Living - Part - 2
You want to start your Full Time Living journey but need some inspiration to get started?
This week Natalie and Tim look more deeply into the 5 key ingredients for a healthy and connected life.
Episode 124: The Art of Full time Living - Part - 1
Natalie Yan-Chatonsky is the founder and CEO of Full Time Lives and the author of The Art of Full Time Living.
Natalie collaborates with organisations that care about empowering women to choose how they work, live and play so that everyone has the opportunity to lead a happy and connected life.
Episode 123: The Lump Sum needed for Retirement
One of the most common questions any Financial Adviser is asked is “how much do I need to retire?”
There is no secret! The answer is actually within reach of anyone, if they can establish what they want to spend.
This week we talk to Financial Adviser and Certified Money Coach, Catherine Belford.
Episode 122: The Cost of a Comfortable Retirement
The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) provides numerous resources for the superannuation industry and the general public.
Each quarter ASFA provides a comprehensive breakdown of expenses for both a 'comfortable' and 'modest' lifestyle in retirement.
Ross Clare is the Director of Research for ASFA and discussed how the Retirement Standard is complied and what is included.
Episode 121: How Australia Retires
Vanguard Australia recently produced the report "How Australia Retires". A study exploring Australians' attitudes towards retirement and how they feel about this phase of life.
Vanguard's Head of Superannuation, Shannon Nutter, joined Tim to discuss the key findings of the report.