Episode 36: Australian Women at Work

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Evidence is mounting that women are feeling the impacts of COVID-19 more than men. Mothers are hardest hit.

They have borne the brunt of increases in the volume of domestic labour, unequal labour in the home and, in particular, periods of homeschooling during various lockdowns and school closures.

Samantha Sutherland Consulting decided to survey 1,296 people about their domestic load, their work hours and pay, and the relationship between home and work.

The research and outcomes expose a system that was already broken for women, with inequalities exacerbated by COVID-19.

We chat to Samantha Sutherland about her research and the key finding. Samantha also looks to the future, outlining what women say they need to thrive and participate in the workforce.

Samantha also discusses her upcoming group coaching program 'Get a Pay Rise'.

Australian Women at Work


Get a Pay Rise Coaching Program https://bit.ly/3otJCZE

Samantha Sutherland has extensive experience in the diversity and inclusion space and provides regular workshop and leadership planning facilitation.

Samantha divides her time between mentoring and coaching women in, or aspiring to, leadership roles, providing high-level advice on diversity policies to Australian corporations, and strategic planning consulting.

She is a thought leader in the gender equality space, conducting research early in 2021 into the impacts of COVID-19 on working women that has been published in the Sydney Morning Herald and across the country.

Samantha hosts two podcasts – Women at Work, with over 80,000 downloads putting it in the top 10% in Australia; and Equality Talks, a sponsored podcast placing her in conversation with industry leaders.


Episode 37: 7 Conditions to achieve ‘Your Flow’


Episode 35: Bringing Balance and Enjoyment to Healthy Eating.