Episode 58: Guiding to make '“Your Good Life” a reality

Financial security. Life experiences. And a lasting legacy. They’re the aspirational goals of many people.

But what that actually represent for any one individual is very very different from another individual. What does your version look like?

Ryan Watson and Tribeca Financial have developed their own framework to help their clients articulate what their "Good Life" looks like to them.

We discuss Tribeca's Financial Wellbeing Matrix and how it enhances the EQ and IQ discussions with their clients.

And my favourite, the inclusion into these discussions of the 5 L's - Live, Love, Legacy, Learn & Laugh.

Tribeca Financial


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Episode 59: Guiding & aligning your ’Ethos’ to your investments


Episode 57: Guiding the ‘Sandwich Generation’ - 50’s & 60’s