Episode 62: Get Deliberate - Mortgage Rates & Investment Risk

Making deliberate decisions in a proactive manner is clearly a preferred option to making decisions in a reactive manner.

This week Tim discusses two areas of your financial world in which you could take proactive and deliberate action - your Mortgage and your Superannuation.

Inflationary pressure is increasing the likelihood of an interest rate rise in Australia in 2023 or earlier. How would your household cope with a 1% rise? What could you do to get ahead of the game?

Super and Investments have recovered nicely since the COVID decline in early 2020. Did you move your investments during that crash? Have you made a deliberate decision on how much risk you wish to take?

We have all been through a tumultuous couple of years. We are probably fatigued. However, the world will continue to ask us to adapt. By making these deliberate decisions in a calmer environment, it can help us be more prepared for any future crisis.

Money Smart Mortgage Calculator



Episode 63: Family finances - Raising financially resilient children


Episode 61: Guiding 20’s & 30’s to ‘take charge’ of their money