Episode 27: The Healthy Wallet Project

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For many of us, Financial Stress is a real thing. Financial stress indicators include items such as being unable to raise emergency funds within a week, pay bills on time or seeking assistance from welfare or community organisations.

Terri Watson from The Healthy Wallet Project believes that those in financially stressed situations need specific resources and support help get their situation back on track.

This is why Terri has designed and produced The Healthy Wallet Project - 90 day Budget Journal.

Terri tells us about her own journey with financial stress, why she created The Healthy Wallet Project and the engaging and empowering elements of the 90 day journal.

The Healthy Wallet Project http://bit.ly/3eFk5K1

THWP Facebook http://bit.ly/3qSi5Ao


Episode 28: Dual Occupancy and Townhouse Projects


Episode 26: Ditch the FOMO