Episode 28: Dual Occupancy and Townhouse Projects

Episode 28: Dual Occupancy and Townhouse Projects
Tim Henry
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We have all seen Dual Occupancy / Townhouse projects within our own neighbourhoods.

This type of project has become a popular way for older Australians to modernise their home as well as downsize and possibly generate additional funds for their retirement.

Also younger Australians are undertaking these projects as a way to move into areas that may have been out of reach with a single dwelling purchase.

We chat to Dale Crowhurst from Crowhurst Building Design about Dual Occupancy / Townhouse projects.

Dale has a 4-step process that he and his clients work through to ensure that the project has the best chance of success. Dale discuses his process as well as providing his thoughts and perspective on what ingredients need to be present to make a successful project.

Crowhurst Building Design


Crowhurst BD - 4 step process



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