Episode 29: Decoding Cryptocurrency

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If you are like us, you might know a tiny bit about Cryptocurrency, but not enough to say you have a good understanding.

Tim has teams up with Genevieve Frost from The Reality Cheque podcast for 4-episodes to “Decode Cryptocurrency.

Tim and Gen decided they needed learn about this ever growing phenomenon, AND YOU ARE INVITED ALONG FOR THE JOURNEY (and have a little fun along the way).

What is it all about?

Is it a “real thing” and what role will it play in our future?

Is the technology safe?

How many currencies exist?

In this episode, we get “back to basics” exploring the reasons why Cryptocurrency even exists. We discuss and explain the key terms and look at the history of Cryptocurrency.

Its educational and it’s a lot of fun!

The Reality Cheque



Episode 30: Insights from a ‘Cryptocurrency Investor’


Episode 28: Dual Occupancy and Townhouse Projects