Episode 34: Why set Goals?

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Goals are touted constantly as the saviour to giving us purpose and keeping us on track.

But thinking about what we actually want, articulating that, outlining actionable steps and having short, medium and long term goals can be hugely overwhelming.

This week we 'go back to basics' on Goals and Goal Setting. Why set goals in the first place? Why do goals need to be personal? What does a good goal look like?

Simon Chodziesner is a Facilitator and Performance Coach and works with businesses and individuals to help them articulate their vision and create actionable steps to achieve it.

We also discussed Simon's running achievement from 2015 - running the length of Ireland - yes the country - 570km in 18 days.

SMART Goals worksheet


Life Balance


Connect with Simon



Episode 35: Bringing Balance and Enjoyment to Healthy Eating.


Episode 33: Couples and Money