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Episode 20: The 8 Dimensions of Wellbeing
At this time of year, there is so much talk about Goal setting and making changes to improve your life or wellbeing.
But what are you going to do, why do you want to do it and how?
Episode 19: Financial Planning - A Gamechanger
Tim Henry talks through the elements that go into Financial Planning.
Financial Planning is about structuring vehicles to support your life vision. If done well, it should be fun and it should be inspiring!
Episode 18: The Power of Possibility
Want to view your from a place of freedom, through a lens that anything is possible? Imagine how empowering that would be. This is the Power of Possibility.
Episode 17: Mortgages - Engage to Save
When is the last time you reviewed your Mortgage?
The past 12 months has shown us that in an uncertain world, those that are 'controlling their controllables' are better placed for success.
Episode 16: Ethical Investing
At its core, "Ethical Investment" is a range of investment styles which go beyond simple financial returns to incorporate a clients Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and their Ethical Values into the investment process.
Episode 15: 2021 The year to chase your Dreams
There has never been a better time to become inspired, tap into your Dreams, and make them a reality.
Episode 14: Life Insurance - Make an Informed Decision
The purpose of Life Insurance is to provide a level of financial protection for ourselves and our families.
Even though 94% of working Australian's have a life insurance policy, we are massively underinsured. Why?
Episode 13: Taking control of your Super
Superannuation is an asset that most of us possess. For many people, its the largest liquid asset that they own.
Episode 12: Financial Abuse - The Hidden Epidemic
Financial abuse (also known as economic abuse) is a form of domestic violence that is not often talked about, but can have a severe impact on the security and wellbeing of the abused partner, as well as children/dependants.