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Episode 110: Home Cyber Security (Repeat)

The recent data breaches at Optus and Medibank have brought our potential Cyber vulnerabilities into the spotlight.

Earlier this year, Tim interviewed Fraser Jack, from the Cyber Collective and discussed the actions that we need to take to ensure that we reduce the risk of a Cyber attack in the home.

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Episode 107: 30 Day Saving Challenge - What gets Measured, gets Managed

Measuring your savings progress is a vital component of you plan.

This is a process of Measure, Manage, Adjust, Repeat!

This week Karen and Tim discuss how frequently you should measure your progress, how to bring some fun and engagement to your progress meetings and how to deal with 'slip ups'.

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Episode 104: 30 Day Saving Challenge - Vision & Values - setting your Financial & Life goals

Money needs direction and purpose. Knowing what you value and being intentional about how you want to live your life and align your money is one of the first steps to taking control over your money.

In week 1 of the 30 Day Savings Challenge, Karen & Tim discuss the importance of having a very strong foundation for your goals.

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Episode 102: The benefits of an Education Bond

Trying to put children (sometimes multiple) through 12 years of education takes a big commitment. And in todays world, especially now we have increased cost of living, we need to try and optimise any advantage we can.

This week we explore the benefits of an Education Bond with Amy Parsons.

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Episode 101: How to fund your children’s education - from Ground Zero

One of the most common goals we hear from people is that they want to give their kids the best possible start in life - a desire to provide them with a great education. education.

This desire is generally coupled with the follow up question, can we actually afford to do this? And if so, how?

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Episode 99: The 6 Pillars of Self-Care

Self-care is often the first thing that gets sacrificed when life is busy and stressful, and people often think that taking time fir themselves seems indulgent.

Sasha Carey from AIA Vitality joins us to helps us understand what is Self Care and why it is so important to our everyday health and wellbeing.

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Episode 98: Chase your Dreams & a Life of Adventure

Life is busy! There are no shortage of many commitments, obligations, bills, etc etc.

But as we know, life is much more than just existing. It has never been more important to give ourselves the space to brainstorm and think freely about our dreams and the adventures we want in our lives.

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Episode 97: The Ultimate Digital Asset Checklist

Understand why and what Digital Assets you will need to pass on access and control of to your trusted people in an emergency or death.

It's time to stop burying your head in the sand, and face up to the critical role and information digital accounts play in our modern lives, and take control of the wild jungle that is your digital life!

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